Mission Enduracool Towel Review

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Published on May 13, 2012 by

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Lately I have started to do more nogi and MMA type stuff, and I needed a towel to dry off with in between rolls/rounds. I began to look at a few options, when I saw an elite athlete that goes by the nickname GSP promoting the Mission Enduracool towel. After watching the promotional videos on Missions website I had questions and I knew many others out there would need answers so I purchased one! Read on Gear Junkies!

How To Use It

The instructions on how to use the Mission Enduracaool towel are pretty straight forward. First you get the towel damp, either by pouring water on it, or by wiping the sweat off your body. Once you have accomplished this you hold the towel on each end and snap it three times. Then you can go back to drying yourself off, except now with a cooling sensation!

Does It Really Work?

The short answer is yes the towel does become cool after you snap it three times. However the coolness you may experience is very short lived and goes away within seconds of placing the towel on your body. It's very similar to the cool side of the pillow on a hot summer night. The towel itself is very thin and doesn't really feel like a towel at all. I think most of the cooling comes from the fact that you are taking a thin piece of cloth and essentially waving it around in the air for a bit before placing it back on your body. I'm not 100% sold yet on it's absorbency either. I think a few more hard summer workouts are needed before I can say for sure.


The price is low enough where I can't really say that it's a rip-off, but if this towel was say $25+ I would not suggest buying it. I'm sure there are plenty of other options out there that are better suited for the job of a towel, but this one is in fact kind of "cool".


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Uploader Comments (bjjgearjunkie)

  • I bought one of these and it is great! In your video, you just had it lying there on the table, so I cannot tell if you used in incorrectly, but we used it according to the directions on the enduracool website. We poured a little water on it, squeezed it through to saturate the whole towel, snapped it three times. It then got extremely cold and stayed that way for roughly 2 hours (just as they claim). Perhaps you didn't get it wet enough or squeeze it through.

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  • Have you ever trained Bjj? Trust me the towel was wet enough.

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  • thx for the warning i almost bought this crap at footlocker 2day

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  • You are welcome!

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  • it feels as it cools down fast cause u got use to it after a few minutes

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  • No not minutes, we are talking seconds.

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Top Comments

  • I had this in my cart on HSN for my nephew who plays a lot of baseball and decided to look for a review. I'm sooooo glad I did!! Thank you for your honest review!!!

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  • the guy at footlocker told me it would last for 4 hours... i guess he was lying or just ignorant. good thing i didnt buy it

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  • A towel works as well or even better, get a long ways towel thats not too thick, drench, wring, then snap it and once it stops getting cool flip it!

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  • try and soak it in water

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  • I was about to order this from HSN and said let me look at the reviews to see if it's worth it and I'm so glad I did...Tks for the heads up

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