Targeted Investment Neighborhood (TIN) Launch

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Meeting Minutes of the Martin Drive Neighborhood Association


The mission of the Martin Drive Neighborhood Association, through its programs and projects, is to embrace and foster a sense of belonging and common purpose, in order to create a neighborhood that is beautiful, diverse, secure, and fun for everyone!


1. Welcome and Introductions by Mary Andres

The meeting started at 10:00 a.m. Mary welcomed everyone to the neighborhood and said that when Captain Smith with the Milwaukee Police Department arrives, we will pause the meeting and hear his updates.

Mary introduced the Martin Drive Neighborhood Association. More information about the association can be found at the following website


2. Summary of recent Martin Drive Projects in the Planning – Please see article to be included in the neighborhood newsletter.


3. Comments by Alderman Michael Murphy


Alderman Murphy congratulated the neighborhood for being a part of a three-year TIN Program. He said the program can improve a neighborhood’s housing stock. He encourages neighbors to participate.


4. Pat Mueller, TIN Coordinator, Introductions of NIDC Community Liaisons

Pat explained the overview of the program and introduced guests.


TIN Overview, Vanessa Llanas, NIDC Community Outreach Liaison

Vanessa said that all the information that you need is on the City of Milwaukee website. Pat Mueller can help you in the TIN Program, but you are also able to work entirely with the City of Milwaukee. The program revolves around a zero interest loan. It is not a free grant.


TIN Application Process: Greg Johnson, NIDC Loan Officer

Greg said that there are requirements to participate in a similar program for landlords. More information about this program can be found at:


TIN Rehab Process: Larry Kilmer, NIDC Housing Rehab Manager

Larry said that there also an emergency loan program with interest that is available for emergency needs, generally needed for someone to remain in the home. More information about this program can be found at the following link:


Larry said that there is a financial application, then a scope of work that is done with the City of Milwaukee. Code compliance and lead abatement are the first priorities for the scope of work. The cosmetic part of your house is not a part of the TIN program (you want matching doors or do not like the color of your walls, etc.) If there is a gap in the amount of what can be financed and the work required to bring a home up to compliance (and lead abatement), it can disqualify a person participating in the program if you cannot afford the difference.


Larry said he doesn't want the home owner to participate in fixing their own home under the TIN program. The work under a TIN is also not meant for updating a home (such as updating something that doesn't look nice)


5. Questions and Answers of NIDC Staff


Neighbors asked questions on income requirements, landlord/tenant requirements, boundary participant limits, and rental units.


If there is a project you feel necessary, or if you feel you may have credit issues you are still encouraged to apply.  This is a three year program and many times the issues can be worked out within that period. 


6. Pat Mueller with Information on other resources available in TIN

Victory Garden Raised Beds


Victory Garden Initiative

The victory garden application needs to be coordinated through Pat Mueller for a garden to be installed on a property.  Our neighborhood can get 10 beds, for $80 instead of the full price $160, This will be on a first come first serve.   More information can be found on the Victory Garden website.  


Bloom & Groom

Look for more information soon on how you can get very affordable plants to add to the curb appeal of your home and the neighborhood.


Community Warehouse

More information to be presented soon.

Murphy said Captain Smith of the Third District Milwaukee Police Department, is one of the best Captains that he has worked with. He gave an example of a late night phone call about an incident in Alderman Michael J. Murphy’s Aldermanic District and mentioned the Milwaukee Police Captain Smith coming here on his day off.


Captain Smith said we have a solid neighborhood. He talked about working with business owners with inspections to abate nuisance crime. He does not want to go to the License Committee with a stack of problems, because the Milwaukee Police Department has been to the business at that point too many times. The goal is to work with businesses to fix problems before they happen and abate nuisance crimes that also hurt the surrounding neighborhood.


Captain Smith said that the community should communicate to the Milwaukee Police Department if there are problems with the customer service aspect.

Judy said that she will email Raymond information about the juveniles and he can forward that information to the neighborhood.


General information about the TIN and applications can be found by calling Pat Mueller 933-5589.   Loan applications can be turned in directly to a TIN loan officer.   


State Representative Evan Goyke said that he will have a vote on the $912 Million cut targeted at property taxes. He helped create Assembly Bill 625 that will give the City of Milwaukee more power to help stabilize a vacant home that is foreclosed. There is more money from Madison for the Shot Spotter Program to increase its service area.


Help Needed to Run Martin Drive Programs

Pat talked about the Victory Garden and asked for sign ups to help neighbors participate in the TIN program such as reaching out to neighbors door to door and with a newsletter. If you would like to participate, please sign-up at the link:


We generally pay for the use of the Washington Park Senior Center while neighbors pay for food and drink. If you would like to donate money to help us pay for some of these costs please go to our neighborhood website and make a donation

Neighborhood Tee-Shirts are available for purchase. Please go to for the order form