Monday, July 8, 2013

Meeting Minutes of the Martin Drive Neighborhood Association


The mission of the Martin Drive Neighborhood Association, through its programs and projects, is to embrace and foster a sense of belonging and common purpose, in order to create a neighborhood that is beautiful, diverse, secure, and fun for everyone!


The meeting started at 6:36 p.m.

1. Neighbors introduced themselves.

2. Pat spoke about the Habitat Home Preservation Loan. More information will be in a flier that will be passed out to every home.

3. Police Officer Duncan talked about the Milwaukee Police Department bicycle patrol unit. He showed a power point presentation on improving quality of life issues in the neighborhood. Crime has been very low in the neighborhood in the last 42 days. He encouraged neighbors to keep up the good work. More information can be found at the link:

4. Mike reported on the smells that have been occurring in the neighborhood over the years. Raymond said the smell of rotten eggs, a natural gas smell, or a chemical smell has occurred (the strongest in the neighborhood around Martin Drive and Highland Blvd, although it has been reported as far West as 46th ST). Mike asked for three things:

1.     More people to be involved on a committee (meets about every other month)

2.     A letter from the Association on a position for clean air and no violations [to be clarified with Milwaukee Riverkeeper and Midwest Environmental Advocates] --Approved on a voice vote

3.     Neighbors to email their narrative on how the smell has affected their quality of life

The letter from the Association and neighbors will be given to the proper City Officials when Advanced Waste licenses come up for renewal in about 5 weeks.


5. Bryan said that one of the functions of a non-profit would be they can accept donations from people. Those people can then itemize their donation for their deduction when filing income taxes. A non-profit has charitable purposes. They can have funds to carry out initiatives like funding for bloom and groom. The bylaws govern the operation of the non-profit. Bryan said that this can be the funding arm for the organization and does not have to change how the rest of the Martin Drive Neighborhood Association functions. Raymond said that the process for approving the bylaws is not written for us to follow because we are doing something new. Mike asked about: 

(2) Qualifications

At least two-thirds of the Board of Directors shall be composed of residents of the Martin 

Drive neighborhood.

Neighbors discussed that the board can include someone from Harley Davidson, or another group that can help with funding, etc. Community partnerships are important.

Maggie made a motion to approve the bylaws as is and to start the paper work on a non-profit; seconded by Betty. Maggie said that we waited long enough and that we should be a non-profit. Terri said that many of the hard working people are here at the meeting and it is a good idea. Sharon said that we should give people time to give changes and work can be done at the September meeting. Bryan said his fear is that we discuss it at the September meeting and a decision is not made. Terri said we could agree that it needs to happen then. With no more discussion a voice vote was done. Mike said a clear process can be made so that neighbors can ask questions, offer changes, and they can be clear. Bryan said that we can make changes, but there is no work for the group, because there is no funding. He said the process begins with the state with approval, then with the federal government. The process can take 4 months and he hopes that it can be done by the end of 2013 for those that would like to donate.

Motion passes.

Nominations were opened for the board. Pat nominated Raymond and Bryan, Raymond nominated Maggie. Sharon asked if the Business and Finance Committee should all be nominated. Bryan said that this board would be doing fundraising and would be looking at the bylaws. Maggie declined her nomination. Nominations were closed. Sharon said acclimation. Nominations approved.

6. Summer Events

A. Vliet Street Community Green Farmers Market every Sunday 10-2 Raymond said he heard the strawberries were cheaper than other Farmer's Markets.

B. Annual Rummage Sale July 20 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Online Registration here (indicate under What you are interested in doing? "Rummage Sale"

C. Annual Summer Picnic July 27 Noon to 4 p.m. There will be a meeting Thursday on the picnic --Shirley passed out a flier.


The meeting ended at 8 p.m. The next meeting is tentatively planned for Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Washington Park Senior Center 4420 W Vliet.