Minutes from the May 14,
2012 6:30 pm
Meeting of
The mission of the
The meeting started at 6:26 p.m. Mary welcomed guests and asked
neighbors who are new. She pointed out that new neighbors can see
Pat explained the Bloom and Groom Project.
Maggie explained how the neighborhood can have
more curb appeal.
Mary talked about how neighbors can sign up
for being on our email list serve.
Pat gave a financial report on the past year.
Raymond explained that the neighborhood makes
money when someone clicks on a Google ad at our neighborhood website www.martin-drive.org
Mary explained the yellow volunteer form.
Mary introduced Steve. Steve explained that
this is the fourth year for the garden. He talked about neighbors that are
helping in the garden this year. He plans to add more beds this year. Neighbors
can contact him at MDNAGarden@yahoogroups.com Steve would like to schedule times to
weed the garden every two weeks. It is the site for the outdoor movie and
neighborhood summer picnic.
Supervisor Stamper said that he is excited to
represent us. He thanked us for our support. He explained his work in
Health and Human Needs
He explained the issues that he has worked on
since he started his work.
Mary made announcements on door prizes, tables
and said that we have time to socialize. She thanked everyone for coming.