Minutes from the July 11, 2011 6:30 pm

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association


The mission of the Martin Drive Neighborhood Association, through its programs and projects, is to embrace and foster a sense of belonging and common purpose, in order to create a neighborhood that is beautiful, diverse, secure, and fun for everyone!


Introductions - Raymond Duncan started the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Neighbors introduced themselves and said where they lived.




Community Garden – Pat Mueller delivered a message of thanks from Steve Falsetti who could not be at the meeting.  He is the new father of a little girl and he took a tumble in a scooter accident.  She thanked all neighbors who helped with the community garden especially those who maintain and those who mowed the grass for several years. Help is needed in rolling out the hose and neighbors were asked to meet Tuesday 6:30 p.m. at the garden.  The community garden beds are planted by 5 different residents, so care should be taken this year in helping yourself to produce.  We want the new gardeners to enjoy their experience. 


Concerts at Washington Park – The series is every Wednesday evening July through August and the concerts start at 6:30 pm and run until 8:30pm. 


Block Boost42nd Street from McKinley to Vliet, and 43rd and 44th Street from Juneau to Vliet are eligible for a Block Boost because each of these streets has two foreclosed properties.   . A home at 1345-47 N. 44th Street, is going to be taken by the City of Milwaukee for back taxes.  At that time there will be an opportunity from the neighborhood for input into what should happen to it. Banks have not taken responsibility for properties.  Pat stated that E-Notify helps inform neighbors (who sign up) to let them know when an ownership of a property nearby changes, or when a property falls in foreclosures. David Weber explained some creative ways to help maintain properties in the neighborhood and explained the Block Stabilization project. He stressed that approval to move forward on the project and communication with the City of Milwaukee is important to make sure the project is reimbursed. Eligible homeowners can receive reimbursement of 50% of the project up to $500.


Foreclosure Help -- Pat talked about an opportunity to help homeowners who are facing foreclosures. Contact Pat at hwproperties@netzero.com .


Bloom and Groom Project -- was a success. 5,000 flowers went into the neighborhood, free food was offered to participants and a vacant home’s lawn was mowed, bushes trimmed and another resident’s property was Bloomed & Groomed by redoing the landscape border, plantings flowers, weeding and watering.  Washington Park Partners helped by planting several beds around Washington Park.   Thank you to all neighbors who helped with the project.


Marketing the Neighborhood -- Al Siemsen asked if there was a way to promote the properties beyond the neighborhood website.  Pat commented that Raymond’s work,  the website and Facebook,  page are helping Martin Drive become recognized for our good work.   


Porch Light Project -- Sharon asked about the wall mounted porch lights. Pat Mueller said she is looking for matching funds to be able to begin the project.


Gametime Play TrailsWashington Park has been selected to receive a destination playground and a Play Trail.  Willie from the Urban Ecology Center explained several play pods would be put along a trail near the Pool at Washington Park.  Our families will have easy access off of Vliet & Highland Blvd. 


Neighborhood Rummage Sale - Sharon talked about the neighborhood-wide rummage sale August 6 from 9am to 3pm and passed out a flier.


Caroline Carter of Eden Market  Raw Foods Expert

Sharon introduced Caroline Carter. Carter explained that she became interested in raw foods as a way to feel better and she then received training as a raw foods chef.  She demonstrated preparation of several food items Neighbors enjoyed a drink made with mint and ginger. Caroline prepared another drink made out of the mint, ginger, and frozen preaches. She served whole food crackers with healthy dips. Caroline concluded the demonstration by saying that whole raw foods are important for the body and can be tasty without cooking.   Carter described what she might eat in a typical day and how at this time of year, more liquids are preferred. Carter said that the raw foods are healthier, you receive a satisfying fullness from them that goes beyond just eating food right from the grocery store. They are prepared without cooking. Carter explained that you should take time for yourself and enjoy healthy foods and that the Vliet Street Community Green Farmers’ Market is a great place to go because the raw foods are


Urban Ecology Center Tour – Willie explained that they are working on a long term lease and improving the interior spaces with the help of a donation from General Electric.