Minutes from the February 8, 2010

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association

1.      A total of 20 members were present.


2.      The meeting was called to order by Raymond Duncan at 6:35 p.m.


3.      The second scheduled agenda item was an icebreaker.  It was motioned by Pat Devitt and seconded by Eric Penebaker that this activity be removed from the agenda.  Pat noted that the present members knew each other well enough to forego this exercise.


4.      The next agenda item was a presentation by the Police Department.  The presentation began with an introduction of the four (4) Officers present.  Key topics discussed were:


·         There were 8 burglaries within the last 42 days.  None within the last 3 weeks.  The perpetrators were caught.

·         No armed robberies within the last 2 months.

·         We were encouraged to get a hold on vacant properties within our neighborhood...

·         The city has funds to assist in buying foreclosed homes.  See website www.milwaukeehousinghelp.org.

·         There have been 3 vehicle thefts: 2 cars and 1 motorcycle.  The motorcycle has been retrieved.

·         Break-ins are happening during all hours of the day.  Please lock your doors and be mindful of the boxes you have near your trash cans.  They communicate to a robber of what you now have.

·         Please use common sense, if something is not right call!

·         We were also encouraged to use the handouts available, e.g. the phone tree and other brochures.

·         When calling in something suspicious, have the address.

·         Be aware that all solicitors must be registered with the city of Milwaukee and have picture identification.

·         There will be walking beats this summer.


5.      Pat Mueller was on the agenda to present new business.  She introduced the new intern Dan Adams who will be working with her on projects this summer.





She reviewed, from the list of brain storming ideas, which ones could be done in this spring and summer.  The project that can be done now is updating our Website.  We have bids out now to 3 firms...  The other 2 projects to be done this spring are planter boxes around trees and paint steps that are needed.


Pat also passed out passes for the Washington Park Community Lunch and Skate for Saturday, February 13.




The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.  The next meeting will be held on March 8, 2009.





Submitted by Shirley Drake