Minutes from the September 14, 2009

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association

Welcome to new neighbors

Nicole J, Choua L, Jamie R, Linda J


New Business

Planning committee gave a report

Committee members are Amy, Shirley, Mary, Pat, Raymond, & Sharon


This was a small committee formed after that March Planning Session


There is an initiative from the Healthy Neighborhood Association to give money to neighborhoods in order to fix them up.


The goals from the planning session for the neighborhood are as follows:

1.     Create and maintain a strong sense of commitment

2.     Build and maintain a livable and safe neighborhood 

3.     Promote positive image of Martin Drive Neighborhood (MDN)

4.     Strengthen MDN Association


Recommendations for committees are: garden, newsletter, rummage sale, youth, Halloween event, picnic, holiday event, welcome, project planning, block reps/block watch, business and finance, and fundraising.


Suggested taks?scription of committee organizer:


Block Representative: will serve for 1 year, attend District 3 meeting the last Thursday of the month, attend monthly MDN meetings, deliver newsletter, have individual block meetings.


Project and Planning Committee: will help Pat & Maggie plan monthly meetings. Be a sounding board for new projects.  Take suggestions from neighbors. Review and research projects and requests.  Look for 5 people to volunteer on the committee.


Old Business – Updates


Raymond Duncan and his committee continue to work diligently on the newsletter.  Please submit any articles you for the newsletter to Raymond.


A draft for the lighting project was submitted.


The website continues to be updated.

Map project applications have all been turned in.   This is an intern project for one high school student living in the neighborhood.



The Urban History Project will get underway.  Pat has submitted names for them to contact to start the project that will map out the history of MDN.


The following people volunteered to be on the planning & project committee:










Thanks.  Hope to see you all at the next meeting.