Minutes from the Sept 10, 2007

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association

Due to inclement weather, we met in the basement.  Twenty-three hearty souls came in the rain to hear the city's position on the rebuilding of Highland Blvd. bridge.  Mr. Sam Medhin, project engineer and Mr. Craig Liberto, structural design engineer, presented a drawing of the proposed replacement of the oldest bridge in Milwaukee built in 1909.  Our concerns seem to fall into the traffic engineering department category.  Questions were asked about the proposed bike lane as well as the width of the walkway.  The four foot median will remain.  The total width of 46 feet will have 12' auto traffic lanes.  The work will begin after Labor Day, 2008.  The gentlemen from the city listened to the neighbors' concerns.


Alderman M. Murphy came to listen and respond to the neighbors concerns about the speed of traffic on Highland Blvd. particularly near the Martin Drive intersection.  There have been 15 accidents in the past 4 years due to the speed of drivers.  Most have resulted in damage to parked cars, hitting the iron bridge, and the parking lot on the south east corner of Martin Drive.  Alderman Murphy will request a traffic engineer attend our October 8th meeting.  Neighbors seem to be hoping for timed and flashing lights controlling the speed.  The suggestion of traffic lights that would work during the high peak traffic could then be turned into flashing lights  for the remainder of the day.  Whatever the end decision, drivers need to be alerted to the need to slow down.  Most accidents seem to occur after working hours.


Alderman Murphy will submit a service request form to the traffic dept. to determine what needs to be done to eliminate the accident problems on Highland and Martin Drive.  Michael also encouraged us to contact our State representatives and senators to push them to get the budget settled.  Any more time will be disastrous for the school systems and the cities of Wisconsin trying to take care of business.


Lois N. encouraged neighbors to participate in a market basket of produce.  If enough MDN neighbors contact her, the school on State Street could be the pick-up location.  This possibility has great beneficial results due to using the healthy products.


Jennifer V. will continue to plan Halloween.  Will connect with Pat M.


Al made a motion for the Neighborhood to use Washington Park Senior Center for 3 meetings a year plus the annual one.  Dan Syl. seconded the motion. The Steering Committee will choose months due to fee being paid by grant money.


Ada informed us that the newsletter is in the final stage before printing.  The following people volunteered to pass it out.  Highland/Vliet - Ada, 42nd - Al & Betty, 43rd - Pat, 44th - Franz, 45th - Tom, 46th - Lynne, Martin Drive - Raymond.


Good news from the neighbors is two new restaurants on Vliet.  One at 60th called the Meritage uses food from Growing Power.  The new pizza place under the coffee cup is described as having very good food and really cute décor.


Meeting adjourned after much was discussed at 8:20.  Next meeting will be October 8th at the usual meeting place on 45th.


Submitted by Maggie B.   9/15/07