Minutes from the March 12, 2007

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association


Representative Tamara Grigsby was warmly welcomed in her position as a elected worker for the neighborhood rather than just as a neighbor.  She informed us of her successes with two new bills this past session as well as some of her frustrations in trying to make changes.


  1. Legislated for the Asia Jones bill making it a crime to leave a child unattended on a bus/van.
  2. Convinced the legislature to make drug paraphernalia called "blunt wrappers" illegal. It is now up to the city of Milwaukee to write an ordinance banning such devices from convenience stores.


       Child and Family Law, W2 and welfare reform, Rules Committee, Social Policy issues, Criminal

              Justice Issues

      1.  Drivers License Education Funding Clinic to assist young people in obtaining their licenses.

         This should delete and reduce fines.

      2.  Children and Families - Badger Care also for single adults with no children

                     We need city nurses and we need them in the public schools.

3.  Senior Care prescriptions

      4.  UWM - School of Public Health

      5.  Public Infrastructure on I94 in Kenosha and Racine Counties and the Zoo interchange will

                     consume lots of money.

Neighbors Response:

      1.  We want change. 

      2.  We want prevention rather than intervention.

      3.  We must have a reduction in crime.

New Business:

      1.  Rummage Sale being held at the Washington Park Senior Center on Sat. April 28 from 8 - 2:00

            Admission is free.  Tables are available for $10.00.  Set-up on Friday from 2 - 6:00.

      2.  Martin Drive Rummage Sale is in early spring.

      3.  Annual Meeting will be May 14th.

      4.  Pat M. is working with Michael Murphy for the paint and rebate program.

      5.  April newsletter - articles need to be sent to Ada.

      6.  Pat M. with assistance from Sharon W. has drawn a plan of action for our neighborhood.

      7.  Pat D. invited any interested neighbors to attend a meeting at the Third District Police Station on

             Thursday, March 29th at 6:00 to learn of Mayor Barrett's plans for the safety of the city.

      8.  Our next meeting will be Monday, April 2nd, at 6:30 at 1219 N. 45th Street.

              Please note the change to the first Monday of the April.


Old Business:

     Thanks to the 16 people who attended.

     Tea Scones and the cookies were available.



Maggie B.   3/15/07