Minutes from the March 14, 2005

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association

Martin Drive Neighborhood Minutes

March 14, 2005


Introduction of neighbors began with a warm welcome to Al and Betty who were present after several months' absence due to Al's surgery and difficult recovery.  The final tally was 17 in attendance.


Peter Blewett, president of the Milwaukee School Board, spoke to the neighbors about his run for another term on the School Board.  Several neighbors asked questions.  Peter said that it was very important for the legislature to bring resources back to Milwaukee.  He spoke of strong support for the Partnership Academy.  At present the state covers 15% of the costs for special education of students and only 31% of the teacher costs.  Yet this is a state mandated function of a school district.


Our other guest speaker was unable to attend due to illness.  However, Belle Bergner of Greening America did e-mail her interest in coming to the April meeting.


Dave Johnson spoke very briefly about his recent trip to Baltimore to show our website to the National Convention of Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative.  David felt that he received some good ideas and received positive comments on his endeavor. Our website shows positive attitudes toward our neighborhood.  The focus of the convention seemed to be to encourage realtors to respond in kind.


"Neighbors market neighborhoods," was the comment shared by Jacqueline Ward who was also in attendance at this workshop. 


Sharon, Lois and Ada are members of the Youth Group who have developed a calendar and possible activities for the coming year.  Their first program will be on April 9 at the school on 46th and State.  Sharon is hoping to get enough volunteers to canvas the neighborhood to invite youths from 11-15 years of age to participate.  The walkers will have brochures that need to be completed by the parents giving permission for their child to attend.


Terri, Jacqueline, Pat M. and Enrique completed the Fun Group's calendar which will start with a walk and clean-up on April 23 beginning at 8:30 AM.  Enrique has volunteered to make chili for the walkers.  It would be helpful for those interested in lunch to provide bread/desserts, etc.  This takes us back to the first clean-up over 12 years ago.  The next activity which should get the neighbors thinking would be individual block parties sometime in June.  Any willing organizers should contact a member of the Fun Group.  Pat Mueller also assembled a sample welcome packet for new neighbors.


Our newsletter editor needs articles from the committees who have met and completed some work.  Ada acknowledges this multi-task activity needs enough lead-time.  We expect the second issue of 2005 will be ready for distribution by April 15th.  How does the name "Martin Drive Trolley News" work for neighbors?  Send any responses to Ada or Maggie.


Walking in the Neighborhood: Suggestion was to walk every Saturday morning in the park and Tuesdays at 7:00 in the neighborhood. 


We were also encouraged to participate in the Vliet Street Business Day on April 29th from 5:00 to 9:00 and April 30th.  Pat M. said there would be a bike rodeo, safety run, and canvas art for the young people.


Danielle Bolden will reserve the Washington Park Senior Center for our annual meeting on May 9th.


The Washington Park Beat needs articles by March 31.  Consider writing something that would benefit the broader neighborhood.  Our next meeting is April 11th.  We will look again at the welcome packets as well as the calendars. 


Our meeting ended at 8:05.                   



Submitted by Maggie Blaha               03/19/05                     Call or e-mail me with corrections.