Minutes from the August 9, 2004

Meeting of Martin Drive Neighborhood Association


We began our meeting hearing about trouble on 42nd Street.  We are told there have been some shootings but no one was hurt.  However, we need to contact Captain Rick Oliva (Pat Devitt) and Alderman Michael Murphy (Maggie) to ask for their help.  We also want to invite them to our September meeting.  We did have a number of new members from 42nd Street, so we know they are committed to improving and correcting the problem.  We recommended that Pat Mueller contact the owners of the properties by letter to state our concerns and request that they meet with Pat.  We know she can assist them in making better choices when selecting renters.

We heard at our gathering that panhandling has been occurring in different parts of the neighborhood.  We have been asked by the police not to give panhandlers any money.  Word gets around and the problem escalates.

Our July rummage sale was considered a success with the number of participants doubling to 24.  Sharon suggested that we need larger signs.  She heard that the signs connect with more people than the door hangers.  There has been a suggestion made that we have several people at one location.  We need to remember this for next year.  It was also suggested that we choose a date earlier in the month to accommodate people who have to make wise choices concerning their paychecks.

It was suggested that we develop a "yellow pages" concept having neighbors list their talents and skills to help others maintain their homes and properties.  We will start by having a sign-up sheet attached to this mailing.  (I wonder if that will work.)

Our newest business opened August 11th on Vliet Street as Déjà Vu, a consignment shop owned by Karen Spencer who was formerly located on Martin Luther King Drive.  Stop in to shop or bring your treasures for Karen to sell.  It appears that Karen will be open from Tues. to Sunday.  Five of our six businesses are new in the last two to three years.  Do support them.

Ada Rouse is looking for news articles from our neighbors for the fall printing of the Martin Drive Newsletter.  If you are so inclined, write them up and send them to adarouse@msn.com .  I believe Ada would appreciate your news or views completed by September 15.

Terri and Sharon reported that we need more people to complete the survey.  Since we have learned about our high population, they were encouraged to set their sights even higher.  Their goal is to reach out to the young people in our neighborhood. The survey is part of our participation in Making Connections.  We are looking for people who would like to implement the new ideas that have resulted from the survey.  If you feel that might be you, contact Terri   or Sharon.  When they call you, please seriously consider taking part in the new ideas for Martin Drive

Our meeting ended with attendance count at 32 people.  Our next neighborhood meeting will be September 13.  Come and let your voice be heard.