We began our meeting hearing about trouble on
We heard at our gathering that panhandling has been occurring in different parts of the neighborhood. We have been asked by the police not to give panhandlers any money. Word gets around and the problem escalates.
Our July rummage sale was considered a success with the number
of participants doubling to 24.
It was suggested that we develop a "yellow pages" concept having neighbors list their talents and skills to help others maintain their homes and properties. We will start by having a sign-up sheet attached to this mailing. (I wonder if that will work.)
Our newest business opened August 11th on
Ada Rouse is looking for news articles
from our neighbors for the fall printing of the Martin Drive Newsletter.
If you are so inclined, write them up and send them to adarouse@msn.com . I believe
Terri and Sharon reported that we need more people to complete
the survey. Since we have learned about our high population, they
were encouraged to set their sights even higher. Their goal is to reach
out to the young people in our neighborhood. The survey is part of our
participation in Making Connections. We are looking for people who
would like to implement the new ideas that have resulted from the survey.
If you feel that might be you, contact Terri or Sharon. When
they call you, please seriously consider taking part in the new ideas for
Our meeting ended with attendance count at 32 people. Our next neighborhood meeting will be September 13. Come and let your voice be heard.